Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I Have Goofy Hair :O

Roaming as always looking for my new Interview I come across this Next player at Anundo Leader. She seemed to find my hair quiet funny " you look like an old man " and many other things she says like "dont like the comb over". So i asked her for a interview and she said yes. I'll hold a poll see what ppl think about the doo but for now here is my interview with Surrenda.


Eointerviews So Surrenda how r u ?

Surrenda im pretty good thank you
Surrenda hows you?

Eointerviews good to hear
Eointerviews im fine tyvm
Eointerviews ^^

Surrenda kool

Eointerviews Intresting name u have

Surrenda yea

Eointerviews how did u come by it

Surrenda made it along time ago

Eointerviews oh
Eointerviews ?

Surrenda i kinda surrended to this game

Eointerviews lol as do we all i guess

Surrenda yea, maybe

Eointerviews so how long is a long time ago?

Surrenda ive been playing for about 4 years now

Eointerviews wow that is a while

Surrenda yea

Eointerviews has it been a good time for u ?

Surrenda yes and no

Eointerviews whats the yes and whats the no?

Surrenda well the yes is that i have met some nice ppl and the no is that ive met some not so nice ppl

Eointerviews ah i c
Eointerviews and do u ever regret starting EO

Surrenda no never
Surrenda well
Surrenda at one point i did

Eointerviews oh care to tell us about it?

Surrenda sorry guys
Surrenda well, this is kinda private
Surrenda is this confidentual?

Eointerviews well i think we can understand that ^^

Surrenda are you here to growl at me?

Eointerviews its for who ever reads these

Surrenda o

Eointerviews xD
Eointerviews ok so tell us abit about youself?

Surrenda well, i like writing poetry
Surrenda and i live on a farm
Surrenda you want more?

Eointerviews well that sounds fun ^^
Eointerviews only if u wish to share:P

Surrenda im a mum

Eointerviews oh ?
Eointerviews well congrats ^^

Surrenda oh thank you

Eointerviews ^^
Eointerviews so do u see your children playing EO when there older?

Surrenda no

Eointerviews why is that ?

Surrenda they dont play it any more

Eointerviews ah so they have played it in the past ?

Surrenda yea
Surrenda they got me playing it

Eointerviews lol well thats kool
Eointerviews ^^

Surrenda they moved on but i didnt

Eointerviews ah
Eointerviews got the EO fever huh

Surrenda yea
Surrenda you could say that

Eointerviews lol
Eointerviews so what r your thoughts on Hacks speed ghost auto and so on

Surrenda dosnt bother me about speed much
Surrenda not so sure about the hacking
Surrenda id like ghost tho

Eointerviews i c
Eointerviews so when ppl say hacks r bad what would u say ?

Surrenda yea, i dont think its fair on players

Eointerviews but u would do it if u could?

Surrenda no
Surrenda i would not

Eointerviews ok
Eointerviews so tell us about your guild

Surrenda aww it died
Surrenda every guild i join dies

Eointerviews well thats a shame

Surrenda yea, i liked this guild too
Surrenda every one left :(

Eointerviews yes that seems to happen more then not on this game

Surrenda yea, tell me about it
Surrenda im been in so many

Eointerviews like?

Surrenda lots

Eointerviews ok what was your fav ?

Surrenda so many i cant remember the names
Surrenda this one im in now
Surrenda it was the best one

Eointerviews WGE

Surrenda yea
Surrenda i loved it
Surrenda great ppl

Eointerviews ok fair enough ^^
Eointerviews so if u where a admin what would u do on EO?

Surrenda make a new v for ppl to enjoy

Eointerviews brb

Surrenda they need it now
Surrenda ok

(At this point I had a friend come over srry about that guys x3)

Eointerviews srry im back

Surrenda wb

Eointerviews ty
Eointerviews ah ok
Eointerviews so what r your fav things to do on EO?

Surrenda i like training with my friend and hanging at ninja

Eointerviews ah
Eointerviews and making fun of ppls eo hair?

Surrenda and ive learnt how to get ot new apo

Eointerviews lol
Eointerviews kool

Surrenda lol
Surrenda sorry bout that

Eointerviews nah its kool ^^
Eointerviews ok ill ask u one more question then ill let u go

Surrenda ok

Eointerviews would u like to say anything to EO???

Surrenda um
Surrenda keep the game up to date so ppl will log on

Eointerviews ok well ty for your time ^^

Surrenda your welcome, i hope i helped
Surrenda can i go now?

Eointerviews lol yes

Surrenda ok ty bye


Well Ill try to post a bit more I'm just been Busy but for now this is Eointerviews saying play well.


  1. Who Knows anymore....
    Nice Interview. Brief but it's good!

  2. Well- she isnt bothered by speed and she'd like to have ghost- I'd say the odds of her being in a cheater guild are fairly high.

    Funny though I met Surrenda way back when I first started. I think I was lvl 2 and she was lvl 21. I thought it was pretty awesome talking to such a high lvl. She could kill things with her bare hands.
