Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Polls are In & So is JET

First off lets look at the results of the latest poll. I asked what people thought about hacks and this is how they voted. 16 Votes to "I hate hacks and anyone that uses them" (ouch I would hate to be a hacker and meet these people) but only  1 vote to all the following "I don't use hacks but they dont bother me", "I use them but only Because others do ", and even one for "I like hacks and I dont care what you think". Wow im guess that alot of fair players read my blog seeing how many voted for hating hack. Well anyways to the interview.


Ok, so today I looked in "people online" for my next interview . I Desided to start with K's maybe it has been from all the cake I've been eatting maybe it was that Kit Kat bar I had Yesterday. Idk but I found a JET in the K's and thought, hey I've never interveiws a JET and they are one of my fav guilds. Why Idk maybe its the Jettitude they always talk about. Well anyways I asked her for a interveiw she was more then happy to answer my questions. So here is what Kalisey had to say.  


Eointerviews ok so Kalisey how r u ?

Kalisey Doing good, yourself?

Eointerviews oh fine

Kalisey Awesome :D

Eointerviews nice look u have

Kalisey Oh thank you ^^

Eointerviews u always dress like that?

Kalisey Most of the time x]

Eointerviews what r some of your fav suits?

Kalisey Either ketovu, crusader, baruta or lotus :D

Eointerviews wow pretty nice armors

Kalisey I suppose x] 

Eointerviews so how long have u played EO ?

Kalisey 3 years, since V27

Eointerviews nice
Eointerviews so I take it u like this game pretty much

Kalisey Oh yeah, love it. It always keeps me entertained when i'm bored xD

Eointerviews and r u bored often ??

Kalisey Recently? Not really x] 

Eointerviews so is that a good thing or bad thing?

Kalisey I suppose its good, although I do miss my EO friends D:

Eointerviews why dont u tell me about them ?

Kalisey Sure, what would you like to know?

Eointerviews what about what u liked most about them 

Kalisey There randomness and how easy it is to love them xD you never know what to expect from em.

Eointerviews oh can u remeber there names?

Kalisey There rl names or Eo names? o:

Eointerviews well this is a EO interview x3
Eointerviews lets go with EO
Eointerviews :P

Kalisey Alright xD, yeah I can remember most of them x]

Eointerviews can u name off any ?

Kalisey Oh sure!
Kalisey Well Rettan of course xD and Eggiesamiri Jellirox Woooooo Kalena
Kalisey But thats just a few 

Eointerviews so could u pick a Fav friend?

Kalisey Probably not xD I love them all

Eointerviews lol ok if u were suck on a island and only had one person to take with u who would it be and why??

Kalisey Oh man uhhhm
Kalisey I would have to say Woooooo since he is my bf x]

Eointerviews lol oh so this would be a romantic island huh?
Eointerviews x3

Kalisey I suppose xD 

Eointerviews lucky guy 

Kalisey Haha xD

Eointerviews so why dont u tell me a bit about yourself

Kalisey Sure thing^^ What would you like to know?

Eointerviews anything u can tell me

Kalisey Uhh okay xD
Kalisey Well I live in Kentucky xD Although I never eat KFC

Eointerviews :O

Kalisey I know someone kill me xD

Eointerviews thats got to be somekind of illegal act going on there

Kalisey Haha maybe, but they haven't gotten me yet >:D

Eointerviews xD

Kalisey x]

Eointerviews ok well lets talk about your Guild

Kalisey Alright [:

Eointerviews JET one of my favs

Kalisey :D YAY!

Eointerviews what can u tell me about it

Kalisey Its an amazing guild rly, but I suppose everyone says that about the guild they're in.

Eointerviews well most
Eointerviews xD

Kalisey Haha xD

Eointerviews who r the leaders?

Kalisey Rettan, Eggiesamiri and myself 

Eointerviews omg your a leader :O

Kalisey Yah xD

Eointerviews well now i guess that will make 3 leaders ive interviewed shut up Fluffy
Eointerviews well anyways

Kalisey o: xD

Eointerviews tell me about JET 
Eointerviews what are youre rule and such

Kalisey We have this color code rule 

Eointerviews ooo ?

Kalisey xD

Eointerviews tell me about it?

Kalisey yougetayellowfor minor things like fighting and such in gc. We'd much rather you take it to pm's

Eointerviews sounds fair enough

Kalisey Mhmm when you get yellow, you get your custom rank taken and it will sayYellow Warning for a week

Eointerviews oh wow 

Kalisey xD

Eointerviews have u ever had to do that ?

Kalisey No way xD Most of the time everyone is nice to each other xD

Eointerviews lol well thats good tell me about the others

Kalisey But we don't believe in cheating on EO or the private servers

Eointerviews well thats a good thing
Eointerviews EO can always use less cheaters

Kalisey Mhmm thats what we Jettians stand for
Kalisey A fair fun game :D

Eointerviews well cool

Kalisey x]

Eointerviews well lets change to something else here

Kalisey Alrighty ^^

Eointerviews What do u hate most about EO

Kalisey The cheaters of course.

Eointerviews what about the Admins and there failing to throw a new version out?

Kalisey Yeah I do hate that too
Kalisey xD

Eointerviews do u think they ever will??

Kalisey Probably not xD

Eointerviews i know some that would agree
Eointerviews xD

Kalisey o.o
Kalisey Right xD

Eointerviews so what are your fav things to do on EO

Kalisey MainlyI sit and talk to my fellow guildies but if they aren't on I'll walk around and chat with random people. Or stalk Bajz 

Kalisey <.<

Eointerviews :O i know Bajz

Kalisey O:

Eointerviews he was the first person i interviewed
Eointerviews what do u think of him ?

Kalisey He's a great guy rly x] 

Eointerviews yeah but i think that bucket on his head would start to stink after a while xD

Kalisey XD Maybe I'm sure he has spares

Eointerviews true x3
Eointerviews so if u were a Admin what would u do ?

Kalisey Try to make EO a fairer place.^^

Eointerviews do u think u would make a good admin?

Kalisey Probably not xD

Eointerviews why so ?

Kalisey I don't like to take charge alot x] and I don't want glb going crazy bc I'm on

Eointerviews I think I should become a admin that way I could case ppl for interviews be a change a Admin casing ppl

Eointerviews what do u think ?

Kalisey Sounds like a wicked awesome idea!

Eointerviews xD

Kalisey x]

Eointerviews so have u ever hated anyone on EO?

Kalisey Oh goodness no D:

Eointerviews not anyone?

Kalisey No way. I may get mad at someone but I forgive people very easily.

Eointerviews fair due

Kalisey [:

Eointerviews well ill ask my last question and be on my way

Kalisey Okays ^^

Eointerviews is there anything u would like to say to EO?

Kalisey Yes!
Kalisey JETs Birthday is coming up in a week :D Sept 3 everyone get ready!!! :D

Eointerviews lol oh wow
Eointerviews i hope i can be there
Eointerviews x3

Kalisey xD We hope you can too!

Eointerviews well tyvm for your time Kalisey 
Eointerviews and ty for the interview
Eointerviews ^^

Kalisey You're welcome ^^


Ok I would like thank Kalisey for giving me her time when she was hanging with other JET's. I would also like to thank everyone that reads my posts and also comments on them(they mean alot thanks guys). Well im off to find my next Victom. And maybe Ill see you all on Sept 3 to see what JET has plained for EO. But for now this is Eointerviews saying l8er and Play well.


  1. Another leader...hmmm. LOL jk. Hey Ren- congrats on the marriage. Nice interview Kali. Where have all the Jettians been hiding?

  2. Hey Ren! Who's Fluffy? lol Another nice interview. :) Diz

  3. September 3rd... I'll do something special.

  4. We cant day where we hide XD Awesome interview xD I rly laughed with the "Bucket head" thing xD Wtg man!
