Saturday, August 15, 2009

xO Get Away From Me Vines!!!

Roaming in the Vines of  EO, I find a our next guest training on the evil things. She was hitting pretty hard. judging by her name, she looked like she been around awhile. So I asked for a interview. She accepted and this is what Yukit had to say.


Eointerviews so Yukit

Eointerviews how long have u played EO?

Yukit Um..
Yukit 3-5 years? I think.

Eointerviews thats pretty good

Yukit =o

Eointerviews i see u make a hell of a punch on those vines what lvl r u ?

Yukit 59. =o

Eointerviews nb
Eointerviews so have u always trained?

Yukit Well, it's sorta on and off.

Eointerviews yea?

Yukit I can train a lot one day, then none at all the next .=o

Eointerviews so u take little breaks then :P

Yukit Yeah. lol
Yukit Training all the time is kinda boring to me. =o

Eointerviews do u think maybe thats the reason u still play eo?

Yukit I guess it could be. =o
Yukit Some of the people are nice to talk to.

Eointerviews oh ?
Eointerviews like who ?

Yukit Hmm..
Yukit Well.. a couple of people. lolz
Yukit Can't really name them. =o

Eointerviews any u can name?
Eointerviews fair enough

Yukit Hmm.. I like talking to Dizney. =o

Eointerviews so u think of dizney as a good player?

Yukit Yeah. =o
Yukit She sure has my respect.

Eointerviews well thats a good thing
Eointerviews so what r your views on hacks speed ghost and so on?

Yukit They're kinda not needed in this game. Sorta ruins the fun at times.

Eointerviews at times??  

Yukit Sorta. =o

Eointerviews like what times?

Yukit Well, they think they're really good at the game with their speeding and stuff.
Yukit Like in arena, can't really play there. =o

Eointerviews yeah i could see where that could be a prob

Yukit And there's the places where it's almost all speeders. =o
Yukit Like dragons and PK.

Eointerviews yeah
Eointerviews well lets talk about your guild

Yukit Okay.

Eointerviews HUB is it a new guild?

Yukit I think so.
Yukit I just joined it yesterday. =o

Eointerviews so do u know any of the leaders?

Yukit Yeah.

Eointerviews what do u think of there leadership?
Eointerviews do u think HUB will make it ?

Yukit Well, they aren't really that good.
Yukit It could if they try.

Eointerviews but do u think it will?

Yukit Ah, not really.
Yukit They recruit just about anyone in it.

Eointerviews yeah
Eointerviews so do u think u would make a better leader then them ?

Yukit Well, I don't think I'm much of a leader. =o

Eointerviews y not?

Yukit Seems sort of difficult to lead people. =o

Eointerviews i hear some of the best leaders come from ppl that dont think they would be good at it

Yukit Ah. =o

Eointerviews do u think if u got the chance u would try?

Yukit Well, I have been a leader of a few guilds.

Eointerviews tell me about them

Yukit Hmm..
Yukit Well, they were pretty okay guilds, but I just did the rankings. =o

Eointerviews oh 
Eointerviews tags?

Yukit Um..
Yukit I was a leader of TLW and um..
Yukit RAD, before. =o
Yukit Those are the only ones I can really remember.

Eointerviews fair enough
Eointerviews so Yukit in your time of playing im sure u made many friends

Yukit Pretty much. =o

Eointerviews tell me about a few we know about Diz

Yukit lol Iceruby is one I made recently. =o

Eointerviews what would u have to say about him ?

Yukit He's pretty nice. =o

Eointerviews so any other friends?

Yukit There's...
Yukit Uh.. Deathsight who doesn't play anymore. =o

Eointerviews what was he like?

Yukit Seems to like to make jokes. =o
Yukit Hmm..
Yukit I have a good friend, Smexyscene. =o
Yukit She's nice and caring.
Yukit How many people should I talk about? lol

Eointerviews well that something u dont see in eo alot

Yukit Yeah. =o

Eointerviews as many as u can remeber 
Eointerviews lol

Yukit =o
Yukit I remember a lot of people though. xD

Eointerviews well then we will move on then xD

Yukit Okay. lol

Eointerviews so what do u think about the admins?

Yukit They should try to moderate the game more.
Yukit Try to get rid of the speeders and such.

Eointerviews i hear that alot  
Eointerviews do u think they have given up on eo?

Yukit I don't think so. I really hope they're working hard on it. =o

Eointerviews dont we all ^^

Yukit All we can do is hope for the best. =o

Eointerviews well your right there ^^
Eointerviews so could u tell me what your fav things r about EO?

Yukit My friends. :x
Yukit Hmm..
Yukit Training, sometimes? =o

Eointerviews kool

Eointerviews anything else?

Yukit It gives me things to do when I don't have anything to do. =o
Yukit Like, I could help people with things.

Eointerviews do u like helping ppl ??

Yukit Yeah, it's kinda fun. =o
Yukit Sometimes helps me make new friends. (:

Eointerviews well thats a good way to start a friendship ^^

Yukit Yeah.

Eointerviews welll i think ive bothered u enough ill ask my last question then ill be omw

Yukit =o Okay.

Eointerviews do u have anything u would like to say to EO?

Yukit It's a nice game if you don't try to ruin other people's fun. =o
Yukit And um..
Yukit I think that's about it.
Yukit =o

Eointerviews ok well ty for your time

Yukit No problem.

Eointerviews and good luck training ^^


Well there you go another good player of EO. By the way thanks Yukit for keeping my alife while I interviewed you, Those Vines have a nasty temper xD. Until next time play well.