Monday, June 29, 2009

A Diamond in the Rough?

When I logged on today, my heart was set on interviewing a character I had been waiting for. But seeing as how he wouldn't answer me, I went looking for someone else. That's when I found Akilo. I asked him for an interview and he said "ummm sure xD".

So here is what Akilo had to say:


Eointerviews Hello Akilo how r u?

Akilo im fine
Akilo and you?

Eointerviews im good tthanks for asking ^^

Akilo no prob

Eointerviews so u look like a tough guy how long have u played eo ?

Akilo one week :)

Eointerviews :O amazing

Akilo not to much in fact

Eointerviews did u get all that yourself?

Akilo someone gave me the account

Eointerviews oh so a friend of EO huh

Akilo yup

Eointerviews kool
Eointerviews so i bet you've played long enough to see how EO is
Eointerviews right?

Akilo well my friend show me in global wat eo was

Eointerviews so is that a good thing or bad?

Akilo i dont know all 
Akilo depends

Eointerviews well who could expect that after a week :O

Akilo there are ppl playing eo to be the best lvl possible
Akilo ya
Akilo im not playing this game to be a high lvl

Eointerviews so has EO been fun so far?

Akilo so far its ok but i thinkthere is better game than this

Eointerviews well i know many that would disagree x3

Akilo lol :P

Eointerviews so what do u think about hacks on EO
Eointerviews like speed 

Akilo for myself i dont use hacks but i think its cheap to use them

Eointerviews y so ?

Akilo because 
Akilo is unfair for the ppl who dont use hacks
Akilo well i think

Eointerviews so u see yourself as a fair player?

Akilo i could say so :)

Eointerviews well thats good ^^
Eointerviews so just wondering

Akilo ya?

Eointerviews what lvl did your friend get that acct to :D

Akilo u mean wat is my lvl?

Eointerviews yeah 
Eointerviews x3

Akilo im lvl 5
Akilo lol

Eointerviews well it was free x3

Akilo ya
Akilo my friend stop playing this game so he gave it to me

Eointerviews i see your in no guild do u not like them ??

Akilo well i would like to create my own

Eointerviews oh yeah

Akilo but its kind of expensive

Eointerviews thats true

Akilo and you need much ppl

Eointerviews at least 10 to start
Eointerviews lol

Akilo ya something like that

Eointerviews so if u made a guild what would u call it ?

Akilo well i still dont know actually

Eointerviews so do u have any ideas?

Akilo no not for the moment

Eointerviews so do u have many friend that still play eo :P

Akilo maybe 2
Akilo lol
Akilo but arent often on

Eointerviews ah

Akilo so am I

Eointerviews so i got lucky then huh 

Akilo ya really
Akilo its because im in my job 
Akilo and the computer here is very slow

Eointerviews yes job can take away from playing :P as many of my views know x3

Akilo but im currently at my job and im playing xD

Eointerviews oh no what would the boss think :O

Akilo if i log off u know why
Akilo :P

Eointerviews xD
Eointerviews well lets hope not before we are done here x3

Akilo lol :P

Eointerviews so your been after ants are u crafting a item ?

Akilo ya
Akilo its call pilote

Eointerviews what item are u after?

Akilo pair of glasses

Eointerviews oh thats a nice one
Eointerviews are u getting close?

Akilo no :P

Eointerviews xD
Eointerviews well thats bad luck

Akilo something it can be very long
Akilo u know crafting

Eointerviews they sure can
Eointerviews so have u ever seen a admin on ??

Akilo not me but my friend yes

Eointerviews well word of advise if u see arvid on avoid aeven x3

Akilo well im pretty sure

Eointerviews so do u see yourself playing eo for a while

Akilo not to see them soon
Akilo nah not really
Akilo lol

Eointerviews well what will u do with thats acct?

Akilo its only like when i have nothing to do

Eointerviews so u will only play alittle huh?

Akilo dont know actually

Eointerviews well i hope u do stay ^^ we could always use fair player on EO

Akilo well for the moment i experiment the game if i could say so
Akilo ty :)

Eointerviews ^^
Eointerviews so ill ask my last question

Akilo ok

Eointerviews would u like to say anything to EO ??

Akilo hmm
Akilo maybe its time to realse a new version lol

Eointerviews xD i hear that

Akilo :P

Eointerviews well tyvm akilo for your time

Akilo no problem :)


So there you go; a new player that isn't even sure if he wants to stay. Although I do agree with him about a new version. This is Eointerviews bidding you all a great day and play well.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Shot Down

I've seen this character on Glb a lot (Swornbrother) and he always seems to make sense more or less. So, I asked him for an interview. To my amazement, he declined an interview with me. Well, I'm off to my next target. Be good and play well.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hello Sano

Today's interview is with Sanouske. I came across his blog and it made me laugh a few times. He allowed me some of his time and this is what he had to say:


Eointerviews Hello Sano can I call you that??

Sanouske Yes

Eointerviews I hear you been playing EO a while
Eointerviews How long is that

Sanouske To long
Sanouske Couple of years

Eointerviews Why does eveyone say "to long" I wonder :/
Eointerviews Lol
Eointerviews Anyways

Sanouske :p

Eointerviews So have you always been a devil acct?

Sanouske I got this at new Apo

Eointerviews Ah prob handy with that nice lvl of yours :P

Sanouske Hehe thx

Eointerviews How long did it take u to get it?

Sanouske A couple of months I think
Sanouske Speeders basically have a monopoly on drops
Sanouske But I got lucky

Eointerviews Wow so there isnt much hope for the rest of us huh lol

Sanouske I think if you try you can get anything you want
Sanouske If you try long enough

Eointerviews Lol fair enough

Eointerviews So your guild SCS your made it?

Sanouske Yes
Sanouske It will be 3 years old in August

Eointerviews How active of a guild is it?

Sanouske It has 5 members logged on at the moment
Sanouske But I would say its a small guild
Sanouske That can have its quiet times

Eointerviews Cant they all
Eointerviews So as long as u have played im sure u know lots about hacks ?
Eointerviews Cant u tell me about what u think ?

Sanouske Ive always been anti hacks
Sanouske Some people are bothered by the state of EO

Eointerviews Ah so u have gathered your lvls fairly??

Sanouske Yes

Eointerviews What do u think about the state of things?

Sanouske EO is obviously not in good shape
Sanouske But I dont depend on EO to have fun
Sanouske I have guild and friends
Sanouske So no matter how bad EO as a game gets

Eointerviews So is that why you have stayed so long?

Sanouske It doesnt change how I have my fun
Sanouske Because of Guild

Eointerviews If there is anything u really hate on EO what would it be?

Sanouske Speeders :P

Eointerviews Well im glad it not interviewers lol

Sanouske Hehe
Sanouske Lol
Sanouske If finding you were any harder, I would have

Eointerviews Lol i like to stay hidden xD

Sanouske I see

Eointerviews If u could take back anything u did on EO what would it be if any ??

Sanouske I've made alot of mistakes but I guess the best thing to take bad
Sanouske Would be my title :P
Sanouske I would get a much better one lol

Eointerviews Lol what gave u the idea for it ?

Sanouske I didnt have an idea
Sanouske I wanted to write ...
Sanouske But spelled it out into dot dot dot*

Eointerviews So what r your thoughts on the admins?

Sanouske Im surprised Arvid has stayed in EO for this long
Sanouske And Vult is just frustrating

Eointerviews How so ?

Sanouske For being easy on the speeders

Eointerviews So if u could have any item on EO what would it be?

Sanouske Admin robes lol

Eointerviews Im sure being around as long as u have youve had many friends
Eointerviews Who would u say was your best friend?

Sanouske Few friends

Eointerviews Could we have a few names?

Sanouske Guild members are my friends
Sanouske And a couple of people outside of guild

Eointerviews Ok well one more question and ill let u go
Eointerviews Is there anything u would like to say to EO??

Sanouske Not really
Sanouske :P

Eointerviews Lol well thank you for your time

Sanouske Thanks to you
Sanouske Have fun


Until next time, play nice. :P

Monday, June 22, 2009

My First Interview with Bajz

Well today, I have a real treat for you. I'll be interviewing Bajz of VVV. Bajz is the man that gave me the idea for this blog so I see it only fair to make him my first interview. He has been on EO a while and is respected by many. So without further ado, here is the man of the hour:

Eointerviews So Bajz

Bajz Umm... yes?

Eointerviews What did u think when u got my pm ?

Bajz I thought about ignoring it lol
Bajz I don't like alts that bother me!
Bajz :P

Eointerviews Do u often do that with random pm's?

Bajz Yes

Eointerviews How long have u played eo?

Bajz Too long

Eointerviews And has it been a good exp?

Bajz In the beginning it was, but it's been downhill for a long time now

Eointerviews The game or your exp with it?

Bajz Both kind of... Vult got lazier and the players got ruder

Eointerviews What do u think about the hacks that run wild on EO today?
Eointerviews Speed
Eointerviews Ghost
Eointerviews And others

Bajz Uhh I think it's sad that people have to cheat on a game that was no challenge to begin with :P

Eointerviews Has eo always been eazy to u?

Bajz I suppose so
Bajz I never went with the crowd to get the lattest hot thing

Eointerviews Do u have alot now days?

Bajz I have what I wanted :)

Eointerviews And your greatest prize?

Bajz My guild

Eointerviews So what do u think about guilds?

Bajz Most are petty useless, few do well and the rest are just boring :P

Eointerviews How long have u been a leader of VVV?

Bajz Since it started on June 7th, 2005

Eointerviews So your made VVV?

Bajz With my friends I made on another forum unrelated to EO entirely

Eointerviews Oh ?? what made u make it on EO?

Bajz Well... I guess it was the first MMO that I tried, and it was fun back then

Eointerviews So VVV isnt your first guild?

Bajz It is
Bajz Never been in a guild on any game before

Eointerviews So r u the only leader of VVV?

Bajz Basically

Eointerviews So do u like any other guilds in eo??

Bajz I suppose so :P

Eointerviews Could i ask which ?

Bajz SCS, JET, DEN, and MNR out of the ones still living

Eointerviews Wow what ones did u like that have died?

Bajz Umm EX FRB, SLY, TKN, ROX, COW, and probably others I can't recall at the moment

Eointerviews Can u recall your very first friend on EO?

Bajz Yes lol

Eointerviews Do they still play ??

Bajz Nope

Eointerviews And r u still friends

Bajz Yes
Bajz We were friends before EO :P

Eointerviews Well that fair enough lol

Bajz lol
Bajz I got him on here and some others from a forum we were on
Bajz Tight little group :P

Eointerviews If u could choose any person on eo to be a admin who would it be and why?

Bajz I'd pick myself lol
Bajz May seem arrogant, but I'd clean things up very fast

Eointerviews What would be the kinda things u would do ?

Bajz Ban cheaters
Bajz And I mean really ban them :P

Eointerviews lol I take it u dont like how the admins ban cheaters

Bajz They don't really ban-ban... they should be perma-banning IPs
Bajz If they come on anoher IP, BANNED AGAIN.. pretty simple

Eointerviews Do u think that would help clean EO up?

Bajz Partly

Eointerviews Now u say partly what do u mean by that ?

Bajz There are still scammer, account stealers, and other idiots that need to grow up
Bajz Removing cheats wouldn't heal the community in itself

Eointerviews Well as alot i hear say this is a kids game what would u say to them ?

Bajz Uhh... They need a reality check :P

Eointerviews Have u ever got mad on this game at someone??

Bajz I guess so

Eointerviews How do u think u handled it?

Bajz They deserved what they got from me :P

Eointerviews So tell me about your blog??

Bajz Which one? xP

Eointerviews How many do u have?

Bajz Well... 2, but the guild battle one is not active now lol

Eointerviews So whats the other one for??

Bajz Guild Exposure is umm... a place where I interview and someties review guilds

Eointerviews And whats its link?
Eointerviews Might have to check it out

Bajz Http:// lol

Eointerviews Well I'll ask one more question then be on my way

Bajz Alright

Eointerviews Is the anything u would like to say to all of eo ???
Eointerviews There

Bajz Grow up
Bajz lol

Eointerviews lol
Eointerviews Ty bajz for your time and your thoughts

Bajz No problemo :P


Well, there you have it. I would like to thank Bajz for not
only giving me the idea but allowing me to use it as well.

Until next time -- Play well.

What's to Come

Hello, I'm the Interviewer.
I search for people in EO and
ask them questions. You
never know when or who I
will interview, so keep in
touch b/c it might even
be you. :O