Monday, June 22, 2009

My First Interview with Bajz

Well today, I have a real treat for you. I'll be interviewing Bajz of VVV. Bajz is the man that gave me the idea for this blog so I see it only fair to make him my first interview. He has been on EO a while and is respected by many. So without further ado, here is the man of the hour:

Eointerviews So Bajz

Bajz Umm... yes?

Eointerviews What did u think when u got my pm ?

Bajz I thought about ignoring it lol
Bajz I don't like alts that bother me!
Bajz :P

Eointerviews Do u often do that with random pm's?

Bajz Yes

Eointerviews How long have u played eo?

Bajz Too long

Eointerviews And has it been a good exp?

Bajz In the beginning it was, but it's been downhill for a long time now

Eointerviews The game or your exp with it?

Bajz Both kind of... Vult got lazier and the players got ruder

Eointerviews What do u think about the hacks that run wild on EO today?
Eointerviews Speed
Eointerviews Ghost
Eointerviews And others

Bajz Uhh I think it's sad that people have to cheat on a game that was no challenge to begin with :P

Eointerviews Has eo always been eazy to u?

Bajz I suppose so
Bajz I never went with the crowd to get the lattest hot thing

Eointerviews Do u have alot now days?

Bajz I have what I wanted :)

Eointerviews And your greatest prize?

Bajz My guild

Eointerviews So what do u think about guilds?

Bajz Most are petty useless, few do well and the rest are just boring :P

Eointerviews How long have u been a leader of VVV?

Bajz Since it started on June 7th, 2005

Eointerviews So your made VVV?

Bajz With my friends I made on another forum unrelated to EO entirely

Eointerviews Oh ?? what made u make it on EO?

Bajz Well... I guess it was the first MMO that I tried, and it was fun back then

Eointerviews So VVV isnt your first guild?

Bajz It is
Bajz Never been in a guild on any game before

Eointerviews So r u the only leader of VVV?

Bajz Basically

Eointerviews So do u like any other guilds in eo??

Bajz I suppose so :P

Eointerviews Could i ask which ?

Bajz SCS, JET, DEN, and MNR out of the ones still living

Eointerviews Wow what ones did u like that have died?

Bajz Umm EX FRB, SLY, TKN, ROX, COW, and probably others I can't recall at the moment

Eointerviews Can u recall your very first friend on EO?

Bajz Yes lol

Eointerviews Do they still play ??

Bajz Nope

Eointerviews And r u still friends

Bajz Yes
Bajz We were friends before EO :P

Eointerviews Well that fair enough lol

Bajz lol
Bajz I got him on here and some others from a forum we were on
Bajz Tight little group :P

Eointerviews If u could choose any person on eo to be a admin who would it be and why?

Bajz I'd pick myself lol
Bajz May seem arrogant, but I'd clean things up very fast

Eointerviews What would be the kinda things u would do ?

Bajz Ban cheaters
Bajz And I mean really ban them :P

Eointerviews lol I take it u dont like how the admins ban cheaters

Bajz They don't really ban-ban... they should be perma-banning IPs
Bajz If they come on anoher IP, BANNED AGAIN.. pretty simple

Eointerviews Do u think that would help clean EO up?

Bajz Partly

Eointerviews Now u say partly what do u mean by that ?

Bajz There are still scammer, account stealers, and other idiots that need to grow up
Bajz Removing cheats wouldn't heal the community in itself

Eointerviews Well as alot i hear say this is a kids game what would u say to them ?

Bajz Uhh... They need a reality check :P

Eointerviews Have u ever got mad on this game at someone??

Bajz I guess so

Eointerviews How do u think u handled it?

Bajz They deserved what they got from me :P

Eointerviews So tell me about your blog??

Bajz Which one? xP

Eointerviews How many do u have?

Bajz Well... 2, but the guild battle one is not active now lol

Eointerviews So whats the other one for??

Bajz Guild Exposure is umm... a place where I interview and someties review guilds

Eointerviews And whats its link?
Eointerviews Might have to check it out

Bajz Http:// lol

Eointerviews Well I'll ask one more question then be on my way

Bajz Alright

Eointerviews Is the anything u would like to say to all of eo ???
Eointerviews There

Bajz Grow up
Bajz lol

Eointerviews lol
Eointerviews Ty bajz for your time and your thoughts

Bajz No problemo :P


Well, there you have it. I would like to thank Bajz for not
only giving me the idea but allowing me to use it as well.

Until next time -- Play well.