Monday, June 29, 2009

A Diamond in the Rough?

When I logged on today, my heart was set on interviewing a character I had been waiting for. But seeing as how he wouldn't answer me, I went looking for someone else. That's when I found Akilo. I asked him for an interview and he said "ummm sure xD".

So here is what Akilo had to say:


Eointerviews Hello Akilo how r u?

Akilo im fine
Akilo and you?

Eointerviews im good tthanks for asking ^^

Akilo no prob

Eointerviews so u look like a tough guy how long have u played eo ?

Akilo one week :)

Eointerviews :O amazing

Akilo not to much in fact

Eointerviews did u get all that yourself?

Akilo someone gave me the account

Eointerviews oh so a friend of EO huh

Akilo yup

Eointerviews kool
Eointerviews so i bet you've played long enough to see how EO is
Eointerviews right?

Akilo well my friend show me in global wat eo was

Eointerviews so is that a good thing or bad?

Akilo i dont know all 
Akilo depends

Eointerviews well who could expect that after a week :O

Akilo there are ppl playing eo to be the best lvl possible
Akilo ya
Akilo im not playing this game to be a high lvl

Eointerviews so has EO been fun so far?

Akilo so far its ok but i thinkthere is better game than this

Eointerviews well i know many that would disagree x3

Akilo lol :P

Eointerviews so what do u think about hacks on EO
Eointerviews like speed 

Akilo for myself i dont use hacks but i think its cheap to use them

Eointerviews y so ?

Akilo because 
Akilo is unfair for the ppl who dont use hacks
Akilo well i think

Eointerviews so u see yourself as a fair player?

Akilo i could say so :)

Eointerviews well thats good ^^
Eointerviews so just wondering

Akilo ya?

Eointerviews what lvl did your friend get that acct to :D

Akilo u mean wat is my lvl?

Eointerviews yeah 
Eointerviews x3

Akilo im lvl 5
Akilo lol

Eointerviews well it was free x3

Akilo ya
Akilo my friend stop playing this game so he gave it to me

Eointerviews i see your in no guild do u not like them ??

Akilo well i would like to create my own

Eointerviews oh yeah

Akilo but its kind of expensive

Eointerviews thats true

Akilo and you need much ppl

Eointerviews at least 10 to start
Eointerviews lol

Akilo ya something like that

Eointerviews so if u made a guild what would u call it ?

Akilo well i still dont know actually

Eointerviews so do u have any ideas?

Akilo no not for the moment

Eointerviews so do u have many friend that still play eo :P

Akilo maybe 2
Akilo lol
Akilo but arent often on

Eointerviews ah

Akilo so am I

Eointerviews so i got lucky then huh 

Akilo ya really
Akilo its because im in my job 
Akilo and the computer here is very slow

Eointerviews yes job can take away from playing :P as many of my views know x3

Akilo but im currently at my job and im playing xD

Eointerviews oh no what would the boss think :O

Akilo if i log off u know why
Akilo :P

Eointerviews xD
Eointerviews well lets hope not before we are done here x3

Akilo lol :P

Eointerviews so your been after ants are u crafting a item ?

Akilo ya
Akilo its call pilote

Eointerviews what item are u after?

Akilo pair of glasses

Eointerviews oh thats a nice one
Eointerviews are u getting close?

Akilo no :P

Eointerviews xD
Eointerviews well thats bad luck

Akilo something it can be very long
Akilo u know crafting

Eointerviews they sure can
Eointerviews so have u ever seen a admin on ??

Akilo not me but my friend yes

Eointerviews well word of advise if u see arvid on avoid aeven x3

Akilo well im pretty sure

Eointerviews so do u see yourself playing eo for a while

Akilo not to see them soon
Akilo nah not really
Akilo lol

Eointerviews well what will u do with thats acct?

Akilo its only like when i have nothing to do

Eointerviews so u will only play alittle huh?

Akilo dont know actually

Eointerviews well i hope u do stay ^^ we could always use fair player on EO

Akilo well for the moment i experiment the game if i could say so
Akilo ty :)

Eointerviews ^^
Eointerviews so ill ask my last question

Akilo ok

Eointerviews would u like to say anything to EO ??

Akilo hmm
Akilo maybe its time to realse a new version lol

Eointerviews xD i hear that

Akilo :P

Eointerviews well tyvm akilo for your time

Akilo no problem :)


So there you go; a new player that isn't even sure if he wants to stay. Although I do agree with him about a new version. This is Eointerviews bidding you all a great day and play well.