Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Polls are In & So is JET

First off lets look at the results of the latest poll. I asked what people thought about hacks and this is how they voted. 16 Votes to "I hate hacks and anyone that uses them" (ouch I would hate to be a hacker and meet these people) but only  1 vote to all the following "I don't use hacks but they dont bother me", "I use them but only Because others do ", and even one for "I like hacks and I dont care what you think". Wow im guess that alot of fair players read my blog seeing how many voted for hating hack. Well anyways to the interview.


Ok, so today I looked in "people online" for my next interview . I Desided to start with K's maybe it has been from all the cake I've been eatting maybe it was that Kit Kat bar I had Yesterday. Idk but I found a JET in the K's and thought, hey I've never interveiws a JET and they are one of my fav guilds. Why Idk maybe its the Jettitude they always talk about. Well anyways I asked her for a interveiw she was more then happy to answer my questions. So here is what Kalisey had to say.  


Eointerviews ok so Kalisey how r u ?

Kalisey Doing good, yourself?

Eointerviews oh fine

Kalisey Awesome :D

Eointerviews nice look u have

Kalisey Oh thank you ^^

Eointerviews u always dress like that?

Kalisey Most of the time x]

Eointerviews what r some of your fav suits?

Kalisey Either ketovu, crusader, baruta or lotus :D

Eointerviews wow pretty nice armors

Kalisey I suppose x] 

Eointerviews so how long have u played EO ?

Kalisey 3 years, since V27

Eointerviews nice
Eointerviews so I take it u like this game pretty much

Kalisey Oh yeah, love it. It always keeps me entertained when i'm bored xD

Eointerviews and r u bored often ??

Kalisey Recently? Not really x] 

Eointerviews so is that a good thing or bad thing?

Kalisey I suppose its good, although I do miss my EO friends D:

Eointerviews why dont u tell me about them ?

Kalisey Sure, what would you like to know?

Eointerviews what about what u liked most about them 

Kalisey There randomness and how easy it is to love them xD you never know what to expect from em.

Eointerviews oh can u remeber there names?

Kalisey There rl names or Eo names? o:

Eointerviews well this is a EO interview x3
Eointerviews lets go with EO
Eointerviews :P

Kalisey Alright xD, yeah I can remember most of them x]

Eointerviews can u name off any ?

Kalisey Oh sure!
Kalisey Well Rettan of course xD and Eggiesamiri Jellirox Woooooo Kalena
Kalisey But thats just a few 

Eointerviews so could u pick a Fav friend?

Kalisey Probably not xD I love them all

Eointerviews lol ok if u were suck on a island and only had one person to take with u who would it be and why??

Kalisey Oh man uhhhm
Kalisey I would have to say Woooooo since he is my bf x]

Eointerviews lol oh so this would be a romantic island huh?
Eointerviews x3

Kalisey I suppose xD 

Eointerviews lucky guy 

Kalisey Haha xD

Eointerviews so why dont u tell me a bit about yourself

Kalisey Sure thing^^ What would you like to know?

Eointerviews anything u can tell me

Kalisey Uhh okay xD
Kalisey Well I live in Kentucky xD Although I never eat KFC

Eointerviews :O

Kalisey I know someone kill me xD

Eointerviews thats got to be somekind of illegal act going on there

Kalisey Haha maybe, but they haven't gotten me yet >:D

Eointerviews xD

Kalisey x]

Eointerviews ok well lets talk about your Guild

Kalisey Alright [:

Eointerviews JET one of my favs

Kalisey :D YAY!

Eointerviews what can u tell me about it

Kalisey Its an amazing guild rly, but I suppose everyone says that about the guild they're in.

Eointerviews well most
Eointerviews xD

Kalisey Haha xD

Eointerviews who r the leaders?

Kalisey Rettan, Eggiesamiri and myself 

Eointerviews omg your a leader :O

Kalisey Yah xD

Eointerviews well now i guess that will make 3 leaders ive interviewed shut up Fluffy
Eointerviews well anyways

Kalisey o: xD

Eointerviews tell me about JET 
Eointerviews what are youre rule and such

Kalisey We have this color code rule 

Eointerviews ooo ?

Kalisey xD

Eointerviews tell me about it?

Kalisey yougetayellowfor minor things like fighting and such in gc. We'd much rather you take it to pm's

Eointerviews sounds fair enough

Kalisey Mhmm when you get yellow, you get your custom rank taken and it will sayYellow Warning for a week

Eointerviews oh wow 

Kalisey xD

Eointerviews have u ever had to do that ?

Kalisey No way xD Most of the time everyone is nice to each other xD

Eointerviews lol well thats good tell me about the others

Kalisey But we don't believe in cheating on EO or the private servers

Eointerviews well thats a good thing
Eointerviews EO can always use less cheaters

Kalisey Mhmm thats what we Jettians stand for
Kalisey A fair fun game :D

Eointerviews well cool

Kalisey x]

Eointerviews well lets change to something else here

Kalisey Alrighty ^^

Eointerviews What do u hate most about EO

Kalisey The cheaters of course.

Eointerviews what about the Admins and there failing to throw a new version out?

Kalisey Yeah I do hate that too
Kalisey xD

Eointerviews do u think they ever will??

Kalisey Probably not xD

Eointerviews i know some that would agree
Eointerviews xD

Kalisey o.o
Kalisey Right xD

Eointerviews so what are your fav things to do on EO

Kalisey MainlyI sit and talk to my fellow guildies but if they aren't on I'll walk around and chat with random people. Or stalk Bajz 

Kalisey <.<

Eointerviews :O i know Bajz

Kalisey O:

Eointerviews he was the first person i interviewed
Eointerviews what do u think of him ?

Kalisey He's a great guy rly x] 

Eointerviews yeah but i think that bucket on his head would start to stink after a while xD

Kalisey XD Maybe I'm sure he has spares

Eointerviews true x3
Eointerviews so if u were a Admin what would u do ?

Kalisey Try to make EO a fairer place.^^

Eointerviews do u think u would make a good admin?

Kalisey Probably not xD

Eointerviews why so ?

Kalisey I don't like to take charge alot x] and I don't want glb going crazy bc I'm on

Eointerviews I think I should become a admin that way I could case ppl for interviews be a change a Admin casing ppl

Eointerviews what do u think ?

Kalisey Sounds like a wicked awesome idea!

Eointerviews xD

Kalisey x]

Eointerviews so have u ever hated anyone on EO?

Kalisey Oh goodness no D:

Eointerviews not anyone?

Kalisey No way. I may get mad at someone but I forgive people very easily.

Eointerviews fair due

Kalisey [:

Eointerviews well ill ask my last question and be on my way

Kalisey Okays ^^

Eointerviews is there anything u would like to say to EO?

Kalisey Yes!
Kalisey JETs Birthday is coming up in a week :D Sept 3 everyone get ready!!! :D

Eointerviews lol oh wow
Eointerviews i hope i can be there
Eointerviews x3

Kalisey xD We hope you can too!

Eointerviews well tyvm for your time Kalisey 
Eointerviews and ty for the interview
Eointerviews ^^

Kalisey You're welcome ^^


Ok I would like thank Kalisey for giving me her time when she was hanging with other JET's. I would also like to thank everyone that reads my posts and also comments on them(they mean alot thanks guys). Well im off to find my next Victom. And maybe Ill see you all on Sept 3 to see what JET has plained for EO. But for now this is Eointerviews saying l8er and Play well.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

xO Get Away From Me Vines!!!

Roaming in the Vines of  EO, I find a our next guest training on the evil things. She was hitting pretty hard. judging by her name, she looked like she been around awhile. So I asked for a interview. She accepted and this is what Yukit had to say.


Eointerviews so Yukit

Eointerviews how long have u played EO?

Yukit Um..
Yukit 3-5 years? I think.

Eointerviews thats pretty good

Yukit =o

Eointerviews i see u make a hell of a punch on those vines what lvl r u ?

Yukit 59. =o

Eointerviews nb
Eointerviews so have u always trained?

Yukit Well, it's sorta on and off.

Eointerviews yea?

Yukit I can train a lot one day, then none at all the next .=o

Eointerviews so u take little breaks then :P

Yukit Yeah. lol
Yukit Training all the time is kinda boring to me. =o

Eointerviews do u think maybe thats the reason u still play eo?

Yukit I guess it could be. =o
Yukit Some of the people are nice to talk to.

Eointerviews oh ?
Eointerviews like who ?

Yukit Hmm..
Yukit Well.. a couple of people. lolz
Yukit Can't really name them. =o

Eointerviews any u can name?
Eointerviews fair enough

Yukit Hmm.. I like talking to Dizney. =o

Eointerviews so u think of dizney as a good player?

Yukit Yeah. =o
Yukit She sure has my respect.

Eointerviews well thats a good thing
Eointerviews so what r your views on hacks speed ghost and so on?

Yukit They're kinda not needed in this game. Sorta ruins the fun at times.

Eointerviews at times??  

Yukit Sorta. =o

Eointerviews like what times?

Yukit Well, they think they're really good at the game with their speeding and stuff.
Yukit Like in arena, can't really play there. =o

Eointerviews yeah i could see where that could be a prob

Yukit And there's the places where it's almost all speeders. =o
Yukit Like dragons and PK.

Eointerviews yeah
Eointerviews well lets talk about your guild

Yukit Okay.

Eointerviews HUB is it a new guild?

Yukit I think so.
Yukit I just joined it yesterday. =o

Eointerviews so do u know any of the leaders?

Yukit Yeah.

Eointerviews what do u think of there leadership?
Eointerviews do u think HUB will make it ?

Yukit Well, they aren't really that good.
Yukit It could if they try.

Eointerviews but do u think it will?

Yukit Ah, not really.
Yukit They recruit just about anyone in it.

Eointerviews yeah
Eointerviews so do u think u would make a better leader then them ?

Yukit Well, I don't think I'm much of a leader. =o

Eointerviews y not?

Yukit Seems sort of difficult to lead people. =o

Eointerviews i hear some of the best leaders come from ppl that dont think they would be good at it

Yukit Ah. =o

Eointerviews do u think if u got the chance u would try?

Yukit Well, I have been a leader of a few guilds.

Eointerviews tell me about them

Yukit Hmm..
Yukit Well, they were pretty okay guilds, but I just did the rankings. =o

Eointerviews oh 
Eointerviews tags?

Yukit Um..
Yukit I was a leader of TLW and um..
Yukit RAD, before. =o
Yukit Those are the only ones I can really remember.

Eointerviews fair enough
Eointerviews so Yukit in your time of playing im sure u made many friends

Yukit Pretty much. =o

Eointerviews tell me about a few we know about Diz

Yukit lol Iceruby is one I made recently. =o

Eointerviews what would u have to say about him ?

Yukit He's pretty nice. =o

Eointerviews so any other friends?

Yukit There's...
Yukit Uh.. Deathsight who doesn't play anymore. =o

Eointerviews what was he like?

Yukit Seems to like to make jokes. =o
Yukit Hmm..
Yukit I have a good friend, Smexyscene. =o
Yukit She's nice and caring.
Yukit How many people should I talk about? lol

Eointerviews well that something u dont see in eo alot

Yukit Yeah. =o

Eointerviews as many as u can remeber 
Eointerviews lol

Yukit =o
Yukit I remember a lot of people though. xD

Eointerviews well then we will move on then xD

Yukit Okay. lol

Eointerviews so what do u think about the admins?

Yukit They should try to moderate the game more.
Yukit Try to get rid of the speeders and such.

Eointerviews i hear that alot  
Eointerviews do u think they have given up on eo?

Yukit I don't think so. I really hope they're working hard on it. =o

Eointerviews dont we all ^^

Yukit All we can do is hope for the best. =o

Eointerviews well your right there ^^
Eointerviews so could u tell me what your fav things r about EO?

Yukit My friends. :x
Yukit Hmm..
Yukit Training, sometimes? =o

Eointerviews kool

Eointerviews anything else?

Yukit It gives me things to do when I don't have anything to do. =o
Yukit Like, I could help people with things.

Eointerviews do u like helping ppl ??

Yukit Yeah, it's kinda fun. =o
Yukit Sometimes helps me make new friends. (:

Eointerviews well thats a good way to start a friendship ^^

Yukit Yeah.

Eointerviews welll i think ive bothered u enough ill ask my last question then ill be omw

Yukit =o Okay.

Eointerviews do u have anything u would like to say to EO?

Yukit It's a nice game if you don't try to ruin other people's fun. =o
Yukit And um..
Yukit I think that's about it.
Yukit =o

Eointerviews ok well ty for your time

Yukit No problem.

Eointerviews and good luck training ^^


Well there you go another good player of EO. By the way thanks Yukit for keeping my alife while I interviewed you, Those Vines have a nasty temper xD. Until next time play well.   

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Glad to be Back

Walking around, I found my next target sitting and talking to all sorts of people. This man seemed like he had been around awhile, so I asked him for an interview. He was more than happy to answer my questions. So without further ado, this is what Heartless had to say:  _________________________________________________________

Eointerviews so Heart can I call u Heart ?

Heartless Yeah, that would be preferable actually.

Eointerviews why is that u dont like your name ?

Heartless I like it, but I don't feel like it efficiently represents who I am.
Heartless It does, however, have a strong nostalgic value for me
Heartless It reminds me of who I once was, which is important, because that person is still a part of me

Eointerviews fair enough
Eointerviews so heart how long have u played EO?

Heartless Hm, I don't know exactly but I started in v10
Heartless it was actually the last day of v10

Eointerviews wow 

Heartless because I remember having to update soon after
Heartless and it skipped version 11, if I'm not mistaken

Eointerviews so you've seen alot in your years huh??

Heartless I've seen some things, yeah.

Eointerviews is that a good thing?

Heartless Definitely. I like seeing and experiencing things.

Eointerviews dont we all

Heartless It's a good way to learn.

Eointerviews so have u played EO lot through these years or off and on?

Heartless Off and on is a great way to describe it.

Eointerviews so maybe thats why u still play huh ??

Heartless What? Because of the memories and the feeling that EO is like a home to me?

Eointerviews well that too :x

Heartless What were you talking about

Eointerviews xD nvm anyways 

Heartless Alright.

Eointerviews have u made many friends through your time of playing?

Heartless I've made many, though after most of them quit it seems like much less.

Eointerviews well i hear u there :/
Eointerviews so do u ever regret making those friendships?

Heartless No, not once.

Eointerviews why so if they were just going to leave u ?

Heartless Im sure they have their reasons, just like I have my reasons for not being on the game 24/7
Heartless And I'm sure they didn't do it just to hurt me.

Eointerviews fair enough
Eointerviews i heard from a someone ( that i will not say who it is ) that u were marreid ALOT 
Eointerviews care to tell me about it?
Eointerviews and how many ?

Heartless Actually, I believe I've been married 0 times in the game

Eointerviews wow must have been a bad source :x
Eointerviews xD

Heartless Must have.

Eointerviews so your guild
Eointerviews ORG never see it much
Eointerviews is it a new guilld?

Heartless It's not a new guild, in fact it was the first official guild of EO

Eointerviews really :O

Heartless The first one made with Guild Bob, yes.

Eointerviews i always throught the GM was

Heartless Nope, believe it or not. 
Heartless And Vult-R himself was in our guild for a short period of time, if I remember correctly.

Eointerviews wow so you r part of the oldest guild in EO 

Heartless Yes. I was one of the Co-founders
Heartless The one in charge was Marluxia

Eointerviews ever think about bringing it back to life??

Heartless All the time I wish I could But Marluxia quit the game a long time ago and left his alt, chaosblade, as the leader.

Eointerviews dam thats a pitty

Heartless I am second in command, but I technically have no power over any of it.

Eointerviews ok

Heartless I hope that someday, maybe an admin can give me the leadership rights and I can bring it back.

Eointerviews thats would be nice
Eointerviews u think they would ever get around to doing it ?

Heartless I honestly dont know. From what it seems, the game is slowly dying, although we do get occasional updates.
Heartless I think if the right admin heard of the situation, they might do something about it, if possible.

Eointerviews what admin would that be?

Heartless I really don't even know what admins still play any more.

Eointerviews ah ok x3
Eointerviews so have u ever talked to any of the admins??

Heartless Yeah, quite a few of them one on one actually.

Eointerviews who was your fav ??

Heartless Vult-r, Arvid, Sakurakur, Mizzy
Heartless I liked them all, but Sakurakur seemed the nicest.

Eointerviews kool

Heartless She even gave me an admin scroll way back in the day, before they became worthless.

Eointerviews so what do u think about hacks on EO such as speed, ghost and so on ?

Heartless I don't like them, overall, just because I think they ruin the community and server.

Eointerviews do u think thats the reason that EO is dieing?

Heartless It maybe one of the reasons, but it seems to me that the real problem is the fact that those hacks even can happen
Heartless in the first place
Heartless You would think that the people in charge would try to do more to prevent such behavior.

Eointerviews well i see arvid walling here and there  
Eointerviews is that what u have in mind?

Heartless Something like that, yes.
Heartless But is that enough?

Eointerviews hey i thought i was asking the questions here xD
Eointerviews if u were an admin
Eointerviews what would u do to make EO a better place

Heartless I'd have to first learn how the game engine works...
Heartless I suppose I would try to program more devices that automatically moderate things people do on the server.
Heartless Like, an auto kicker for people who do some of these 'hacks'.

Eointerviews hasnt vult tried that already?

Heartless Yes, he has actually.

Eointerviews y do u think it didnt work ?

Heartless Because it seems as soon as one problem is fixed, many more pop up in its place.

Heartless I suppose that could be discouraging for someone in charge.

Eointerviews true
Eointerviews do u think maybe thats what it taking so long for ver 29 to come??

Heartless Hmm, I'm not really sure why version 29 hasn't come yet.
Heartless I was under the impression that updates were happening even without new versions.

Eointerviews well we have had one or 2 i think
Eointerviews but thats about it xD
Eointerviews well ill ask u one more question then ill let u go 

Heartless Alright.

Eointerviews is there anything u want to say to EO ????

Heartless Hmm.
Heartless I suppose just simply, think before you act. If what you are about to do might have negative repercussions on the community
Heartless then don't do it

Eointerviews sounds like good advise to me 
Eointerviews well ty heart for your time

Heartless No problem I enjoyed it, and I'm willing to answer more questions if you let me have a short break

Eointerviews thats ok dont want to bore my fans to sleep x3


Sounds like someone with a lot on his mind. Maybe I'll interview him again someday but for now I'll stop while im ahead. This is Eointerviews saying l8er and be good.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Who Would Be a Good Admin?

Well the poll results are in, and it looks like Sanouske has earned the most votes on the subject of who would be a good admin. With only one vote separating first from second, Dizney is next on the list. Next is Rettan; followed by Bajz, Wickedfrost and Nina. Only one person voted for 'keep it the way it is.' >.> Sounds to me like someone wants the admins to like them. That's all for now. Hopefully now that I'm back with internet access, I can bring you some more interviews. Until then, be good.